1. Getting to know Git

What is Git?

  • free & open-source distributed version control system (DVCS)
  • first authored by Linus Torvalds for development of the Linux kernel
  • very widely used to “version control” software dev projects
  • excels at tracking changes to computer code files (plain text)
  • good for collaborative workflows

Why use version control as a researcher?

  • scientists write lots of computer code and documentation
  • we revise things often
  • paths of inquiry get abandoned, or revisited later
  • scientists work collaboratively
  • research projects evolve and diversify with time

Research can become a “garden of forking paths”

Version control records changes and helps manage the complexity

Inside a “simple” data analysis project

ls ~/awesomeproject/
## analysis_script_Darren.R
## analysis_script_final.1.R
## analysis_script_final.R
## analysis_script_MLtest.R
## analysis_script.R
## analysis_script_v1.R
## analysis_script_v2.R
## data.csv

The researcher has gone down different paths, each resulting in a new file:

  • linear, polynomial, and machine learning models
  • input from a collaborator
  • a “final product” for a report or paper

Using Git simplifies things

# The -a lists hidden files like .git
ls -a ~/awesomeproject_git/
## .
## ..
## analysis_script.R
## data.csv
## .git

This is a Git repository for the same analysis project

  • There is only one script (analysis_script.R).
  • Git commands (git ...) help manage and version control files.
  • Changes to the script (and other files) are recorded in the .git directory.

What is recorded in .git/?

Git keeps track of what changed, who changed it, when it changed, and why* Schematic of a git-based workflow        * as long as you tell it to

Some terminology

  • repository: a directory with a history of changes recorded by Git, meaning it must contain a .git subdirectory.
  • commit: Git’s basic unit of version control that records exactly which lines changed in which files, and how, plus annotations about person, time, etc.
  • version: the state of repository files produced by a particular line of development that includes one or more commits to the repository
  • branch: a version of repository files that diverges (with separate commits) from the main line of development (the main branch) in the repository
  • fork: a complete copy of a Git repository that then undergoes divergent changes from the original

An annotated list of “commits”

git -C ~/awesomeproject_git/ log
## commit c0acdc2f506a677200cd903906bfe2057c137a0b
## Author: Gregory Maurer <gregmaurer@gmail.com>
## Date:   Fri Oct 14 12:05:49 2022 -0600
##     Statistics and figures for report 1
## commit 6cdcef9c5cecae87c74e31578947302b0a56b1b1
## Author: Gregory Maurer <gregmaurer@gmail.com>
## Date:   Fri Oct 14 12:05:49 2022 -0600
##     Fit polynomial model
## commit 1b6aaa1029bd0d2f3223633f33989969443ee734
## Author: Gregory Maurer <gregmaurer@gmail.com>
## Date:   Fri Oct 14 12:05:49 2022 -0600
##     Fit linear model to the data
## commit 4a0a6dee4ffdd17af6ba752d1895c92d04215ac5
## Author: Gregory Maurer <gregmaurer@gmail.com>
## Date:   Fri Oct 14 12:05:49 2022 -0600
##     Initial commit - add analysis script

2. Now try some Git basics

Finding and configuring git

We will do this in the system shell. So, open a terminal with bash, zsh, or another shell (you may have installed one with Git on Windows), and then type the following command.

git --version
## git version 2.35.1

If you got the output above, or similar, you have Git installed and it is available with git commands in your shell. If you didn’t get that output you need to return to the setup instructions and install Git for your system.

If Git is newly installed on your system, you probably need to configure a couple of things. As you start using git commands, it helps to know that they usually follow a git verb options pattern, where verb is the action you need to take, and options give some specifics of how to do the action. For configuration, lets first, tell git who you are.

git config --global user.name "Marie Curie"
git config --global user.email "marie@sorbonne.fr"

There are some differences in how computer platforms handle line endings in text files. Correspondingly, you will want to tell Git how to handle this for you, and the configuration for MS Windows machines will be different than for Mac and Linux machines. For Mac and Linux, the recommended setting is:

git config --global core.autocrlf input

And for Windows it is:

git config --global core.autocrlf true

Since we’ll be using GitHub, which names its repository main branches main, we should make sure our local git follows the same convention.

git config --global init.defaultBranch main

Finally, you might also want to configure Git to use your favorite text editor for writing commit messages. More information about that here.

You can show your Git configurations anytime with git config --list command.

Making your first repository

Now lets make a new directory and add a text file to it. We will turn this into a Git repository in a moment.

mkdir ~/my_repo
touch ~/my_repo/script.R
cd ~/my_repo

Now that we are in our project directory, lets make it a Git repository

git init
## Initialized empty Git repository in /home/greg/my_repo/.git/

We can use the ls -a shell command to see if we made a .git directory to to store the changes we will make to our files.

ls -a
## .
## ..
## .git
## script.R

The .git/ directory is there. Now lets ask Git to tell us the status of our repository.

git status
## On branch main
## No commits yet
## Untracked files:
##   (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
##  script.R
## nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)

We are on the main branch, there are no commits yet, and there is a file that we made - script.R - that is not being tracked.

Adding files and tracking changes

Lets tell Git to track that file. We do that with the add verb, which “stages” the file to be added to a new commit.

git add script.R

If we want to check the status now, we’ll see that script.R is staged to be added as a new file, under the “Changes to be committed” list.

git status
## On branch main
## No commits yet
## Changes to be committed:
##   (use "git rm --cached <file>..." to unstage)
##  new file:   script.R

This staging step lets you compose multiple changes to your repository files into a group of updates to your history (sometimes called a change-set). When we are ready to add these changes, for us just one new file, to our git repository, we commit the changes to the repository, which will store the initial version of our file in Git’s history.

git commit -m 'Adding the first R script'
## [main (root-commit) bd87a40] Adding the first R script
##  1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
##  create mode 100644 script.R

Sooner or later we’ll add something to this file, and we’ll want to commit those changes to the repository as well. Open up your script.R file in a text editor and add a couple lines of “code”, then save this file again. After it is saved you can check your repository status with git status again.

git status
## On branch main
## Changes not staged for commit:
##   (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
##   (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
##  modified:   script.R
## no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

This tells us that script.R was modified, but those changes haven’t been staged yet To get line-by-line details about what changed in your file, you can “diff” the file to show the difference between the last committed version, and what it looks like after you added some code.

git diff script.R
## diff --git a/script.R b/script.R
## index e69de29..4cd5370 100644
## --- a/script.R
## +++ b/script.R
## @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
## +Load the data...
## +Fit a linear model...

The lines prepended with a + show what has been added since the last commit. Lines starting with - would show you what was removed, but we haven’t removed anything. This seems like a reasonable change, so lets stage the updated file with git add and add it to our repository with git commit.

git add script.R
git commit -m 'I updated the script with 2 lines'
## [main 0bcbdf0] I updated the script with 2 lines
##  1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)

Take note that when you commit something to your repository’s history it is wise to explain what was changed using a “commit message” That is what we are doing with the -m option followed by a quoted message. Commit messages are invaluable in helping you understand how and why your repository is changing, so before you commit something, put a little thought into how you will describe the changes.

Lets take a quick look at our history now:

git log
## commit 0bcbdf0818a66229e3f59ab1ae1a7b9f0199da1f
## Author: Gregory Maurer <gregmaurer@gmail.com>
## Date:   Fri Oct 14 12:05:50 2022 -0600
##     I updated the script with 2 lines
## commit bd87a40ddad502b74acbd444a3da221d18b6544b
## Author: Gregory Maurer <gregmaurer@gmail.com>
## Date:   Fri Oct 14 12:05:50 2022 -0600
##     Adding the first R script

We can see our progress so far. There are two commits, with the first adding the new script.R file, and the second one adding a couple of lines to it.

3. Getting to know GitHub

What is GitHub?

  • https://github.com
  • Software development and collaboration platform
  • A host for git repositories with web-based tools for working in a highly networked, collaborative way
  • Owned by Microsoft now
  • Very widely used

How to use GitHub

Interact with the GitHub website with a browser

  • For example, this tutorial is in a repository on GitHub.
  • With an account you can create git repositories and much more.

Clone or sync changes (push and pull) with GitHub repositories using git

git clone https://github.com/jornada-im/JEDS.git

GitHub also has a bunch of APIs, a command-line tool, GitHub Desktop…

When should researchers use GitHub?

  • If you do scientific computing/software development
  • For collaborative…
    • data analysis
    • writing
    • project management
    • teaching
    • (and computing/software dev)
  • Personal/professional/project/educational websites
  • Automating tasks

4. Basics of GitHub repositories

Create and clone a GitHub repository

Lets create a repository on GitHub, initialize it with some files, and then use our local git commands to pull the new repository to our computer. We can then make some changes and push them back to GitHub.

  1. Log into https://github.com with your account credentials (or make an account if you didn’t in advance).

  2. Press the little green button to create a new repository

  3. Name the repository my_gh_repo

  4. Check the box to “Add a README file”

  5. Click the button

Now your repository is created and you should be in its landing page. To move the new repository to your local machine, you must “clone” it from GitHub. First make a place on your local machine to put the repository. Return to your system shell and make a new directory called GitHub to hold local repositories you clone from GitHub.

mkdir GitHub

Now you need to use git to clone my_gh_repo from GitHub using its web address. Returning to your repository page (https://github.com/{username}/my_gh_repo), look in the top right of this repository’s landing page, and there is a button. Click it to open a dialogue that gives you the option to copy an address. Use the “HTTPS” option and press the “Copy” button to the right of the address (2 overlapping squares). The address for your repository is now in your system clipboard. Return to your shell, navigate to the GitHub directory, and git clone the repository at that address:

cd ~/GitHub/ #Note: you can put GitHub/ somewhere other than the home directory (~)
git clone https://github.com/gremau/my_gh_repo.git
## Cloning into 'my_gh_repo'...

Now you should have a clone, or copy, of the my_gh_repo repository you just made that is ready to work with in your local GitHub/ directory. Lets enter that directory and look around.

cd my_gh_repo/
ls -a
## .
## ..
## .git
## README.md

We can see the README.md file that we created on GitHub, plus the .git folder ready and waiting for us.

Make changes and push to GitHub

Lets make some changes to our new repository on our local system. Use a text editor to open up the README.md file inside your my_gh_repo repository folder and add a couple new lines of text. Once you do, Git should notice the change when checking the repository status.

git status
## On branch main
## Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.
## Changes not staged for commit:
##   (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
##   (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
##  modified:   README.md
## no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

Notice that git status now tells us the repository status in relation to the “origin”. The origin is a remote repository that your local copy is linked to, in this case the repository on GitHub that we cloned from. We can list our remote repositories, and inspect the origin with the git remote command.

git remote -v # -v is for "verbose"
## origin   https://github.com/gremau/my_gh_repo.git (fetch)
## origin   https://github.com/gremau/my_gh_repo.git (push)

This tells us we have one remote repository, called origin, and we can push to and pull from this repository. We can also see some other details about branches, and where the push and pull operations will go.

git remote show origin # This gives details of origin
## * remote origin
##   Fetch URL: https://github.com/gremau/my_gh_repo.git
##   Push  URL: https://github.com/gremau/my_gh_repo.git
##   HEAD branch: main
##   Remote branch:
##     main tracked
##   Local branch configured for 'git pull':
##     main merges with remote main
##   Local ref configured for 'git push':
##     main pushes to main (up to date)

Getting back to the changes we made, if we are content with our local changes we can stage them and commit them.

git add README.md
git commit -m "Added two lines to the README file"
## [main 10e59ad] Added two lines to the README file
##  1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)

Great! But now our local clone of the repository has a commit that is not at the origin repository on GitHub. How do we fix this? First lets look at what git status says.

git status
## On branch main
## Your branch is ahead of 'origin/main' by 1 commit.
##   (use "git push" to publish your local commits)
## nothing to commit, working tree clean

Our local repository is one commit ahead of origin now. To bring the GitHub repository up to date, we need to git push the changes there. Note that this isn’t going to work unless you have something called a “Personal Access Token” (PAT), or have configured SSH access to GitHub. We can quickly create a PAT on GitHub with these steps (taken from here):

  1. Go back to https://github.com - you should be logged in with your account credentials already

  2. Open the dropdown at the very top right corner of your page to see GitHub user account options, and choose Settings.

  3. In the left sidebar choose Developer settings

  4. In the left sidebar (again) choose Personal access tokens

  5. Give it a name, expiration date, and give the token repo access by checking the first check box under Select scopes

  6. Click the button at the bottom, and then copy the resulting token to your clipboard (the copy button is the overlapping squares again).

For now, SSH access is beyond the scope of this tutorial, but it is highly recommended. See here to learn how to set up SSH access for your machine and GitHub.

Now that you have copied the token you can use git push to push the changes to origin on GitHub. You will be asked for your username and password. For the password you will paste the PAT token into the terminal.

git push
# Username for 'https://github.com': {enter your GitHub username}
# Password for 'https://gremau@github.com': {PASTE the "PAT" here}

If this is successful, the most recent commit adding two new lines to the README file will be added to the GitHub repository, thus syncing up the local and remote versions of our files.

5. Collaborative work with Git and GitHub

“Forking” a repository

You can copy any public repository on GitHub to your own account by “Forking” the repository. Essentially, this creates a clone of someone else’s repository for you, in your own GitHub account. To demonstrate this, lets clone the repository that contains this tutorial (jornada-im/JEDS). Return to GitHub in your browser and follow these steps.

  1. Navigate to https://github.com/jornada-im/JEDS
  2. In the upper right of the repository page click the “Fork” button between “Star” and “Watch”.
  3. You’ll have the option to change the name and owner, but you can leave everything as it is and click the button, which will create the fork and take you to its landing page.

You’ll now have a fork of the “JEDS” repository in your own GitHub account (your_username/JEDS). In the upper left of the page, under the repository name you should see a link back to the original repository (jornada-im/JEDS). Now lets clone this to our local GitHub folder and make some changes.

On your new JEDS repository fork page, click the to open the dialogue, then select “HTTPS”, and copy the link to the repository (copy with the overlapping squares). Now clone that into your GitHub directory.

cd ~/GitHub/
git clone https://github.com/gremau/JEDS.git JEDS_fork #JEDS_fork is optional
## Cloning into 'JEDS_fork'...

Now you have a local copy of your fork (your_username/JEDS). If you want to interact with the original repository (jornada-im/JEDS) then we need to make sure there is a link to that. Lets go to that repository

cd JEDS_fork/

and check the status of our remote repositories.

git remote -v
## origin   https://github.com/gremau/JEDS.git (fetch)
## origin   https://github.com/gremau/JEDS.git (push)

It looks like our only “remote” repository is our fork on GitHub (your_username/JEDS). This is OK, but not ideal for collaboration purposes. It would be better if we also had the original repository (jornada-im/JEDS) configured as an “upstream” source repository. This way, we could pull any changes made to the source repository directly into our local clone. Instead, we currently need to do this indirectly through GitHub. There are several ways to configure an upstream source repository (see methods in Happy Git for example), but we’re going to set that aside today and focus on the simplest possible method to make changes.

Branching and pushing to forks

Lets continue by making some changes to a local file in our fork of the JEDS repository. Before we do this, we should create a branch to make the changes in. A branch is a separate, named path of development within a repository. When we create a branch and make changes in it, they do not effect the main branch until we decide to merge them in. Creating and working with branches in git is simple, just create a new named branch and then git checkout the branch to begin work there.

git branch my_changes
git checkout my_changes
## Switched to branch 'my_changes'

You could also use a shorthand command for this - git checkout -b my_changes. We have now created a branch within our repository, called my_changes that we can develop without changing anything in main. This is a great way to partition your changes until you are sure your changes work well with the rest of the repository.

Now lets make those changes. Look inside the episodes folder and find the learner_changes.md file.

ls episodes/
## git-and-github-for-research.Rmd
## img
## learner_changes.md
## setup.Rmd
## statistical-inference-linear-and-mixed.Rmd
## teaching-datasets.Rmd

Open this file in a text editor and and correct some of the problems in the spelling or the code. Save your changes and then stage and commit the changes.

git add episodes/learner_changes.md
git commit -m 'I made this file better'
## [my_changes 775bf88] I made this file better
##  1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)

We have committed the changes to the my_changes branch. If we want to share these changes, the new branch will need to be accessible to others in the forked GitHub repository (your_username/JEDS). To publish the my_changes branch to GitHub we can use a variation on git push that creates an “upstream” branch in the origin repository (again - your_username/JEDS).

git push --set-upstream origin my_changes
## remote: 
## remote: Create a pull request for 'my_changes' on GitHub by visiting:        
## remote:      https://github.com/gremau/JEDS/pull/new/my_changes        
## remote: 
## To https://github.com/gremau/JEDS.git
##  * [new branch]      my_changes -> my_changes
## branch 'my_changes' set up to track 'origin/my_changes'.

Now if we return to GitHub, we can see that the new branch has been added to the repository there, and it will contain any changes we made to episodes/learner_changes.md. If we want to contribute the changes in our new branch back to the source repository (jornada-im/JEDS), we can issue something called a “pull request” in GitHub, which notifies the maintainer of the source repository that somebody wants to merge changes into it.

Issuing pull requests

When you have made changes to a forked repository on GitHub, you have the opportunity to contribute those back to the source repository. GitHub makes this operation, called a “Pull request,” available in a number of ways.

Return to your fork of the JEDS repository on GitHub (https://github.com/{your_username}/JEDS) and look for the my_changes branch. By default you will be viewing the main branch, which should be apparent in the dropdown menu to the top left of your repository’s code. You may also see a banner notification about the recent push to the my_changes branch that you just did. To view the my_changes branch, you can either follow the link in the banner, or use the dropdown to select the my_changes branch.

Once you select the new branch, the repository page will change slightly and you can now view all files in my_changes. If you like, open episodes/learner_changes.md to see that your modifications to the file are there (they are not in main). You will also notice a banner above the code that says “This branch is 1 commit ahead of jornada-im:main” with options to “Contribute” or “Sync.” This is telling you that the my_changes branch in your fork has one commit that is not present in the original source you forked from, the main branch of jornada-im/JEDS. To contribute your changes back to this source, you can issue a pull request by clicking the “Contribute” dropdown and selecting the button.

When you open the pull request, notice that the new pull request template opens in the jornada-im/JEDS repository. GitHub will then check whether your branch can be merged into the main branch of this source repository. If it can, you will see the exact changes that will be made, and you have the opportunity to add a comment that will be seen by the person who will receive your pull request (whoever maintains the source repository, in this case Greg). When you have provided your comments and reviewed the pull request press and the maintainer of jornada-im/JEDS will be able to respond to it by making further comments/requests, merging it into the source repository, or rejecting it.